Welcome back. This is part two of a three part series on the question of ethical fitness business ownership and operation during the Coronavirus pandemic. Hey, thanks for stepping back into the work with me. So, some disclaimers to start us off– I am an educator, a parent, a yoga teacher, and a yoga studio … Continue reading CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE: PART TWO


Dear Fellow Fitness Business Owners, I see you. This is hard.  You worked so hard to build something, maybe even from nothing, maybe not. Maybe you saw a need and had a skill that could fill it. Maybe you decided people agreed that you, specifically you, should fill this need. Or maybe you just wanted … Continue reading CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE: PART ONE

What Even Is This?

Plan and control- fight, control and avoid- flight, or confusion- freeze. That’s it. That’s where I live, every day. Over, and over, and over. That, and the dishes. I haven’t been able to get to a place of grounded acceptance. I haven’t been able to stay present for more than a few minutes. I haven’t been able to hold my shit together for so much as a half a day. I’m working to be okay with that part first, before I move on to actually trying to be okay.